How does Mantiser work

Your private search engine with results from pages you have sent in, Pages from people close to you. And the last result from the public search engines.

Your Pages

Install Mantiser browser plugin into your browser. And when you land on a page with the content, you want to save. Open the browser plugin, and press send.
The page (URL) is received by our API and stored on your page under sources.


When a new source is added. Mantiser starts its background work fetching data from the source. This includes heading and tag. Also, some geo data from the IP and a screenshot.

We also pick up some pages close to the source and add the result from those as well.

example: It you add a blog post, we also look at 5 other pages from that blog and add
All this data is then stored in our database under the sender’s ID.

so if you want out, we only wipe you part of the database, and it is all gone.

Community / Org

Sometimes when you find a good page (Source), you may want to share it with others. here is when Orgs come in.
You can create an Org and then invite other users. Now when you add a new source, you can set the owner of the source to one Org.
So then, when the other users in the Org search on Mantiser, the results will show.


Sometimes you search in Mantiser, and the result is not yet in our database. then you can elect to use public search engines as well.
We then, from our servers, do a google, brave, and Duck Duck Go search for you.
The result is then presented on the same page.